A Classic Tall Ship, traditionally-rigged, offering a beautiful working example of a bye-gone era.
Pixels: 7000 x 9800 pixels (196.3 MP)
Image Size: 19.5 x 27.5 inches (140 dpi)
Format: PDF (6.57 MB)
Price: €11
Behind the Canvas
Traditionally-rigged sailing vessels included topsail schooners, brigantines, brigs and barques. The rigging may have included square rigs and gaff rigs, usually with separate topmasts and topsails. This is generally more complex than modern rigging. Modern rigging uses newer materials such as aluminum and steel to construct taller, lightweight masts with fewer sails.
Author and master mariner Joseph Conrad used the term “tall ship” in his works. He spent 1874 to 1894 at sea in tall ships and was quite particular about naval terminology. The term “tall ship” was common parlance among his fellow mariners in the last quarter of the 19th century.
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