A zebra stampede can reach up to 65km/h. They combine speed with excellent stamina and zig-zagging motions to try and evade predators that pursue them.
Just like human fingerprints, a zebra’s stripe pattern is unique to the individual. They are highly social, and will only go to sleep if they are close to neighbours so that they can be warned if a predator approaches. They also prefer to graze together and will groom each other.
They communicate with each other through various vocal expressions including sniffing and balking, but also through the position of their ears and tail. They can turn their ears in almost any direction and harness this ability to communicate their mood, for example pulled backwards when angry, or standing erect when calm and friendly.
Pixels: 9071 x 3729 pixels (96.8 MP)
Image Size: 71 x 29 inches (120 dpi)
Format: PDF (6 MB)
Price: €27
Behind the Canvas
Stampede is my 5th painting using the African theme. I was again attracted to the earthy colors of the Central African grasslands, typical of Kenya and Tanzania. This image is also an attempt to capture the speed and graciousness of these splendid animals.
Stretching across the wall – almost 2 meters in width, this is a uniquely-shaped image which will compliment a large room, and would be enhanced with the addition of simple dark brown frame.
If you like the movement in this painting, please see also Sand Stallion.
About Stampede
Downloadable very large-format PDF image scanned from Elena’s original oil painting. This image is ideally suited for printing on canvas. A 2.75 inch (7 cm) ‘Museum style’ white margin is added to each side of the picture to allow for stretching/mounting. After completing the payment process, you will immediately receive a download link for your picture.