My depiction of Kit Harington in the role of his own ancestor Robert Catesby from the BBC1 drama series ‘Gunpowder’.
I’m using a little artistic license here to bring Catesby into the present century. The foiling of the gunpowder plot of 1605 is still commemorated throughout England (and Scotland) every November 5th (‘Bonfire Night’) with bonfires and fireworks.
Pixels: 1133 x 1126 pixels (38.2 MP)
Image Size: 15 x 15 inch (232 ppi)
Format: PDF (13 MB)
Price: €10
Behind the Canvas
It was Catesby – not Guy Fawkes – who was the ringleader of the gunpowder plot that is commemorated each year on 5 November with bonfires and fireworks. It had been their intention to blow up the Houses of Parliament with the Scottish King James 1st and his ministers inside, but they were betrayed, captured and executed.
The November 5th celebrations used to be compulsory. The government was so relieved after preventing the disaster that they passed a law compelling people to celebrate the anniversary. It was not until 1859 that the law was repealed. However, the celebrations remained popular throughout the country.
Typically, young children spend weeks gathering wood to build up their bonfires. On the night, a life-sized effigy of Guy Fawkes is set on top of the bonfire before setting it alight, symbolizing the gruesome punishment of the conspirators. In fact, the plotters were not burned: Those that had survived capture were subjected to the equally horrendous fate of being hanged, drawn and quartered.
About this Painting
This is a downloadable hi-definition PDF image scanned from my original oil painting. You will receive a 15 x 15 inch PDF (21 x 21 inch including the border), ideally suited for printing on canvas. The 2.75 inch (7 cm) ‘Museum style’ black border is added to each side of the picture to allow for stretching/mounting.
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